Dear Daniel Son:Thanks for your response. I understood your diagram from your previous e-mail. Also thanks for the information regarding synthetic and human grey hair.I sincerely appreciate when you give me direction and answer my questions. That is why I have become a dedicated customer rather than using other companies that advertise on the Internet. You will find me to be a loyal customer when treated well. Thanks again for your cooperation.
E. Askin
Dear Daniel Son, I would like to thank for the hairpiece which arrived today. The hair feels silky and nice, well done. Thanks again.
K Selka
Dear Daniel Son, The last order that you made and sent was PERFECT!!!! i was very happy with it and all that saw it was very impressed. It was 100% natural hair (not mixed with synthetic hair), the crown was perfect, the way the hair laid on the piece was just right (not standing on the sides) It was EXACTLY the was as i expected it. who every made it last time i sure would like for that same person to make my next order. Daniel, i would like to order another piece EXACTLY the same as the last piece you made for me and payment will be sent as soon as possible.thanks again Daniel, (from a very satisfied customer) Philip H. -U. S. A-
Philip H
Daniel Son, I wanted you to know that I am extremely pleased with the custom reproductive quality of the original system I sent to you as well as the softness and condition of the remy hair. Every aspect of my order was followed . . . to perfection.I'm just wondering if you can consistently provide this same reproductive quality or if this was a one time fluke? I would like to put you to the test and order four (4) more duplicate systems. Please let me know if you require that I send again all the originally provided photos, hair system sample and order information OR if you still have that information on file and are capable of fulfilling my order simply by sending the appropriate payment amount via PayPal?
Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you, Best Regards-
Robert E
Daniel Son KAHM SAH HUM NEE DAH. I had my new hair cut in today and it is great. I like this color very much. Keep all of the information I want my next unit to be the same.
Alice T
Hi, I would like to reorder two more hair pieces exactly the same as my previous order, is this possible?I have filled the form in attached, My name is Duncan Jury and the codes that came with the hair pieces were 2-2144 and 10211A D J. Let me know if this is OK and I will then pay by Paypal USD 549.00 Thank you so much, your hair pieces are fantastic, Kind Regards
D. J
New Zealand
Dear Mr Daniel Son, Thank you for my recent order ,once again the quality and appearance is excellent.
I would like to order another one hair piece the same description as my last order.
Thank you very much.Yours sincerely,
M. Heinly
Daniel I received the unit and I have cut it in. I'm happy to say it will work now, it looks very natural.
A lot of people are impressed with the workmanship and I have some who are interested in obtaining one of their own, thanks again for your patience and service.Russell M -Canada-
Russel M
Dear Daniel Son, I received my order yesterday morning, the 5th of April ! I am so happy :)You respected your term and the product (full human hair wig) look so nice...the human hairs are beautiful and the hair density is perfect...
It's a little long, but it's my fault ! I am so glad to have found your company on Internet...
I still hope it is strong and will last a little... Can I swim or take a bath with it ?
I did not wear it yet, but I have a rendez-vous with my barber saturday morning...Thanks a lot to you and all the team ! I will order a second one soon...September I think. Hear from you soon,
Yasmina L
Dear Daniel Son: i received my hair replacement systems on saturday early in the morning.
needless to say they are excellent! the quality of the hair and color match is beautiful.
the fit is exactly as the sample i sent you.
i am very impressed with the fact that everything went so well and your delivery time was on target.
I would recommend your company to anyone seeking quality, value and timely delivery.
your company delivered everything it advertised and provided exceptional customer service to me.
you have made a new friend and loyal customer in new jersey, usa. sincerely yours
E. Gerry
Dear Daniel Son, Thank you so much for the express delivery. The items arrived today for B W.
He is very thankful and will not have to change his flight times.
Once again, thank you so much for your understanding and swift action. Regards,
Hong Kong
Dear Daniel, I received the 2 new units today and I must say, these are probably the best units I've ordered over a 10 year period. I am sorry for the mishap innitialy, but it was definately worth the wait! For the needs of a woman, the hair and the density is perfect. It actually feels like my own hair and the unit fits to perfection.
I will recommended your company to anyone looking for quality units at a resonable price with the standard to upholding the quarantee. Look forward to doing business with you in the future. Thanks again,
Linda K
To everyone at your company. I got my hairpiece last friday. You can never know how wonderful and pleased I am to have such a beautiful hairpeice. It is better then anything I ever had. It looks so natural. I feel like a real woman now. And you did everything that I wanted done on it. The color and texture of the hair is perfect. I feel great wearing my hair. Thank you from my heart. Your customer always, K. Goss -U.S.A-Dear Daniel, I Just wanted to let you know that I received my package, and the hair looks very good thank you so much for doing such a grate job.
I will be in touch with you and ordering more product. Best regards,
Susan K
Thank you again for such a prompt reply.
I cannot begin to say how pleased I have been with the way you take care of my needs.
I wish other companies would follow your standard of quality and attitude toward their product and customers. Sincerely,
L Heydt
Dear Mr. Daniel. Just wanted to let you know that my order arrived today. Once again let me say that the Quality,value,and service are outstanding. As always it is pleasure to do business with you. Sincerely,
M John